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Air New Zealand Tattoo Policy

Frequently asked questions

What’s changing?

From 1 September 2019 all employees will be able to have Tā Moko and non-offensive tattoos visible when wearing our uniform or normal business attire.

Who does the Tattoo Policy apply to? 

This is an Air New Zealand Group policy that applies to all employees, contractors and third parties involved in the delivery of Air New Zealand’s services.

Why did we change our policy?

Air New Zealand is committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the make-up of Aotearoa. Allowing our employees to express their individuality and cultural heritage through tattoos is the latest step on our path to truly embracing diversity and creating a workplace where Air New Zealanders can be themselves and thrive.

How will this affect the recruitment process?

As New Zealand’s most attractive employer and the number one place kiwis want to work, we get a large number of applications for every available role. We make no apologies for wanting only the very best talent to join us to help build a truly world class organisation. While our Talent Acquisition team will still process applications based on having the right skillset and fit for the role, no one will be turned down because of their tattoo as long as it's not offensive or inappropriate.

What is considered offensive or inappropriate?

We ask employees to treat tattoos like they treat speech – you can’t swear, make hateful comments or lewd jokes in the workplace, neither can your tattoos.

We consider offensive or inappropriate to be anything that may:

  • Be identified with criminal behaviour or gangs
  • Use expletives
  • Contain imagery that would be offensive to the majority of customers i.e. nudity, aggression
  • Be rude, lewd, crude, racist, sexist, sectarian, or LGBTIQA-phobic
  • Be associated with violence, which includes anything violent or threatening violence
  • Contain inappropriate imagery, either as to content and/or magnitude, which would be considered inconsistent with Air New Zealand’s brand values

I've previously been declined for a role due to my tattoo, can I reapply? 

Yes, you can apply for roles when they become available.

What happens when I declare a visible tattoo?

Your tattoo(s) will be reviewed to ensure they comply with our Tattoo Policy. Where we are not certain as to whether or not a tattoo is offensive or inappropriate, the tattoo will be sent to our Tattoo Review Panel for determination. This panel is made up of a diverse range of Air New Zealand representatives from around the business and has the ability to seek external advice if needed.


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